membership has its benefits


The BC Council hosts two province-wide meetings, held in the spring and fall, that bring gardeners and garden clubs together. We also encourage sharing of best practices, offer advice in running successful clubs, and help with adding and creating environmentally friendly garden spaces through social media and other online platforms. Our monthly newsletters offer a platform for BC clubs to share their experiences, successes, and challenges.

helping hands


Dogwood Flowers

At our spring and fall meetings, gardening experts speak on emerging trends, environmental tips, best practices and other horticultural topics that highlight the importance of gardening. Past speakers have focused on topics like gardening through climate change, introducing native plants into the garden, propagation to increase healthy plants, invasive species, the importance of urban agriculture and so much more. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram offer up-to-date information on garden-related issues.

Supporting The Horticulture Industry

Through the BC Council of Garden Clubs Scholarship Fund, young people are receiving support to choose a career in the horticultural industry, ensuring a legacy of continued support in urban agriculture, home gardens, our shared environment and sustainable practices. Horticulture industry suppliers are supported through participation in the spring and fall meetings, advertising opportunities and other networking platforms.

seedlings in a tray

Professional Development

A pile of books and a coffee

The BC Council of Garden Clubs offers judging courses in horticulture and in floral design, with access to related manuals that we produce. Parlour shows continue to be an integral element in successful garden clubs. Showcasing members’ successes in growing edibles and non-edibles and in floral design contributes to furthering education and innovation in the horticultural field.

Staying Connected and Plugged In

Through online platforms, members are kept up-to-date with significant changes to the horticultural field that can affect different regions within the province of BC. Recent topics have included the health of our local wildlife and how gardening practices can affect our beneficial insects, birds and other animals in nature. Climate change issues have affected BC in recent years and the BC Council of Garden Clubs engages in research on how we can help support the regions devastated by forest fires and flooding.

A hand holding a mobile phone in the forest

Supporting the Environment and Sustainable Practices

A hand holding green earth

Accessing information on best practices, innovations, emerging trends and general gardening tips can help gardening-related groups to take care of the environment.Topics such as eliminating chemicals from gardening, creating healthy soil, proper watering techniques, planting the right plant in the right place, including native plantings, attracting pollinators and much more contribute to improving the environment we live in.