Insurance Information

Does your organization have Liability Insurance for its meetings and events or for the operation of its allotment and community garden?  If you are meeting in public venues (church hall, community centre, etc.) it is a good idea to check with the facility regarding their requirement for insurance.

Basic ($5 million liability) insurance for the operation of garden clubs and allotment/community gardens up to 15 acres can be obtained for a fee through the BC Council of Garden Clubs. This would also include field trips, 2 flower shows per year and 2 plant sales per year. To access this liability insurance, your organization must be a member of the BC Council of Garden Clubs.

Coverage is for the period January 1st to January 1st. The rates in effect as of January 1, 2024 are in the BCCGC Affiliation and Remittance form below. 

Payment for the insurance is required at the time of membership renewal – this ensures that your organization does not fall in breach of insurance due to late payments. Fees are not pro-rated.

When requested a Certificate of Insurance can be sent to all covered members.

Additional details of the insurance can be found in the following document:
BCCGC Insurance Program Overview (PDF)

Insurance rates can be found in the following document:
BCCGC Affiliation and Remittance Form for 2024: (PDF)

For additional information, or to request a Certificate of Insurance, contact our Membership Chairperson at .