Membership fees & application form
- Membership is for the period January 1 to December 31.
- Annual membership fee is payable on or before December 31. See the ‘BCCGC Affiliation and Remittance’ form below for current membership fee.
To have a vote on BC Council of Garden Clubs affairs, an organization must be in good standing at the time of the vote.
Affiliation renewal notices are sent out to existing member clubs in the late fall. Any fee changes require approval by the membership and do not take effect until the next membership cycle.
To become a member, complete the membership form provided below. Your organization will be subscribed to receive e-bulletins, including voting information, from the BC Council of Garden Clubs.
Membership Application and Renewals
To join the BC Council of Garden Clubs, or renew membership and insurance, please download and complete the following document and mail together with remittance to:
BC Council of Garden Clubs,
10952 McAdam Road,
Delta, BC
V4C 3E8
Affiliation Fees & Liability Insurance Enrolment
BCCGC Affiliation and Remittance form for 2025
Liability Insurance:
- Please see our Insurance Information page for more details.
Membership Information Updates
To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .
If you have any questions, please contact our Membership Chairperson at .