Bccgc Member Directory

Please note that the information on the organization name, location, email and website provided in this directory is updated annually by BCCGC with the information provided at the time of membership renewal. It is responsibility of the members to request an update to the remaining information when needed.

To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .

Click on 'Organization Name' Below to View More Details
 Organization Meeting City Geographical Area: Type Specialty Interest
Floral Artists of the Fraser ValleyChilliwackFraser ValleySpecial Interest
  • Floral Art and Flower Arranging
Victoria Floral Artists GuildVictoriaVancouver IslandSpecial Interest
  • Floral Art and Flower Arranging
Canadian Western Association of Floral Art Clubsvarious locationsLower MainlandSpecial Interest
  • Floral Art and Flower Arranging
B.C. Fuchsia, Begonia and Geranium SocietyBurnabyLower MainlandSpecial Interest
  • African Violets
  • Begonias
  • Fuchsias
  • Geraniums and Pelargoniums
  • Shade Gardens
Alpine Garden Club of British ColumbiaVancouverLower MainlandSpecial Interest
  • Alpines
South Delta Garden ClubLadner/DeltaLower MainlandGeneral Interest
Deep Cove Garden ClubNorth VancouverLower MainlandGeneral Interest
Enderby and District Garden ClubEnderbyOkanaganGeneral Interest
Esquimalt Community Garden SocietyEsquimaltVancouver IslandCommunity/Allotment Gardens
Fraser Pacific Rose SocietyCoquitlamLower MainlandSpecial Interest
  • Roses
Friends of Park and Tilford Gardens SocietyNorth VancouverLower MainlandSpecial Interest
  • Friends of the Gardens
Adanac Park Community GardenVancouverLower MainlandCommunity/Allotment Gardens
Garden Club of VancouverVAncouverLower MainlandGeneral Interest
Gardens That Heal - Vancouver Islandvarious places, Oceanside areaVancouver IslandSpecial Interest
Gordon Head Garden ClubVictoriaVancouver IslandGeneral Interest
Highlands Parks & Recreation AssociationHighlands/VictoriaVancouver IslandCommunity/Allotment Gardens
Hope Garden ClubHopeFraser ValleyGeneral Interest
Vancouver City Hall Community Garden SocietyVancouverLower MainlandCommunity/Allotment Gardens
Kelowna Garden ClubKelownaOkanaganGeneral Interest
Ladner Community Gardens SocietyDelta/LadnerLower MainlandCommunity/Allotment Gardens
Maple Ridge Garden ClubMaple RidgeLower MainlandGeneral Interest
Mill Bay Garden ClubMill BayVancouver IslandGeneral Interest
Mission Garden ClubMissionFraser ValleyGeneral Interest
Mt. Lehman Garden ClubAbbotsfordFraser ValleyGeneral Interest
Chilliwack Garden ClubChilliwackFraser ValleyGeneral Interest
 Organization Meeting City Geographical Area: Type Specialty Interest