Bccgc Member Directory

Please note that the information on the organization name, location, email and website provided in this directory is updated annually by BCCGC with the information provided at the time of membership renewal. It is responsibility of the members to request an update to the remaining information when needed.

To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .

OrganizationTahsis Community Garden Society
Geographical Area:Vancouver Island
For Information Contact:Kim Anderson
Phone:(250) 934-6465
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Meeting Time and Location:

We meet 3 or 4 times a year as needed.

Organization's Profile:

Our garden promotes the best of community spirit. Gardeners of all ages and abilities work together sharing information and successes. It is a thriving and exciting addition to our village.

Special Events:

We are involved in a Christmas Bazaar, Spring Bazaar, and Tahsis Days (Slug Fest and Scavenger Hunt).