Bccgc Member Directory

Please note that the information on the organization name, location, email and website provided in this directory is updated annually by BCCGC with the information provided at the time of membership renewal. It is responsibility of the members to request an update to the remaining information when needed.

To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .

OrganizationB.C. Fuchsia, Begonia and Geranium Society
Geographical Area:Lower Mainland
Specialty Interest
  • African Violets
  • Begonias
  • Fuchsias
  • Geraniums and Pelargoniums
  • Shade Gardens
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Facebook:Visit Our Facebook Page
Meeting Time and Location:

St. Timothy's Anglican Church, south east corner of Willingdon and Kitchener in Burnaby, north of Brentwood Mall. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month, March to November. Doors open at 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 7:00pm. Entrance on south side of building. Everyone is welcome. No attendance fee.

Organization's Profile:

Our purpose is to foster and encourage the cultivation and promotion of fuchsias, begonias, geraniums, pelargoniums, ferns, gesneriads and all other shade-loving plants, through meetings and monthly publication of a newsletter the ‘Eardrop’.