Bccgc Member Directory

Please note that the information on the organization name, location, email and website provided in this directory is updated annually by BCCGC with the information provided at the time of membership renewal. It is responsibility of the members to request an update to the remaining information when needed.

To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .

OrganizationColwood Garden Society
Geographical Area:Vancouver Island
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Facebook:Visit Our Facebook Page
Meeting Time and Location:

Board meetings: 3rd Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM.
Annual AGM, 3rd Saturday of September, time TBA.

Organization's Profile:

The Colwood Garden Society was created in 2014 and operates with the full support of the City of Colwood under a lease agreement. They graciously donated the land at Colwood City Hall. We are a not-for-profit, and registered under the Society Act of British Columbia.

Membership is open to Colwood and Westshore residents only.

We will have approximately 32 plots with 8 being designated and designed for handicap access. Plots are leased annually from January to December. When a plot becomes available, we will go through the wait list on a first-come basis.
Let's Grow Together! Connecting Colwood to the food we eat…