Bccgc Member Directory

Please note that the information on the organization name, location, email and website provided in this directory is updated annually by BCCGC with the information provided at the time of membership renewal. It is responsibility of the members to request an update to the remaining information when needed.

To update your membership information, please send the new information to our Membership Chairperson at .

OrganizationCentral Okanagan Community Gardens Society
Geographical Area:Okanagan
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Meeting Time and Location:

We meet at 5pm for one hour on the first Thursday of the month except December. Meetings are at Choices Markets, 1937 Harvey Avenue.

Organization's Profile:

To help neighbourhoods and communities create sustainable green spaces for gardening, food production, gathering and education. There are 16 gardens in and around Kelowna with a 17 being constructed this spring. The group also helps organizations and other communities to build their own community garden through provision of a manual, advice and sometimes hands on help from the project manager.

Special Events:

AGM held in August