The BC Council of Garden Clubs has compiled a list of speakers who are willing to speak to garden clubs and organizations on various garden related topics.
While this list is fairly comprehensive, it does not contain all the names of knowledgeable speakers in BC. If you would like to suggest a name for this list or if you wish to have your name added to this list, please contact the Speaker List Coordinator.
Please note the following:
- The BC Council of Garden Clubs does not accept any responsibility for the quality or the content of any presentation by these individuals.
- It is the responsibility of the gardening organization to negotiate the terms of the presentation with the speaker (including topic, travel and expenses, fees, etc.)
- Fees listed are provided as guideline and are subject to change at the discretion of the speaker without notice to the Council.
- Please click on a speaker name from the table below for more detail.
NameShelley Levis
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- Container Gardening, Small Space Gardening
- Special Interest Plants
- Edible Flowers
- Small Space Gardening
- Outdoor DIY Decor
- Edible Flowers
- Vertical Gardening
- Can I put dirt in that? Re-use, Recycle and Repurposing in the Garden
NameStephanie Rose
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- Garden Design, landscaping
- Floral Arts, Floral Design, Flower Arrangements
- Herbs, growing and using
- Special Interest Plants
- Healthy soil, fertilizers, soil amendments, etc.
- Herbs for wellness, therapy garden projects
Stephanie Rose—Award-winning author, Garden Made and Garden Alchemy; founder of Stephanie Rose is an award-winning author, freelance writer, instructor, and international speaker who aims to encourage healing and wellness …
- Garden Therapy: The Beauty of Creating DIY Garden Art
- Garden Alchemy: Natural Organic Recipes FOR Your Garden
- Growing Natural Beauty in the Apothecaries’ Garden
- Plant-Based Beauty Recipes from the Garden (Workshop)
- Crafting with Air Plants and Wire (Workshop)
- How to Make Handmade Seed Paper (Workshop)
NameSusan Watson
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- Container Gardening, Small Space Gardening
- Water gardens, ponds
- Garden Design, landscaping
- Containers
- Hanging Baskets
- Installations
- Landscape Design
- Maintenance
- Ponds
- Stepping Stones
NameTasha Murray
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- Garden Insects, Bees, Butterflies, Garden Pests
- invasive plants
- invasive species
- integrated pest management
- plant ID
Tasha holds a B.Sc. (Ecology & Environmental Biology) from Thompson River University and a M.S.T. (Masters of Science in Teaching) from Portland State University. Tasha has been involved in conservation …
- Invasive species in Metro Vancouver
- Invasive plants 101
NameTheo Barber - Spectrum Gardening
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- Vegetables
- Container Gardening, Small Space Gardening
- Special Interest Plants
- Healthy soil, fertilizers, soil amendments, etc.
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Artichokes
- Blueberries
- Garlic
- Vegetables
Spectrum Gardening was born out of Theo’s desire to share his extensive knowledge about growing while providing affordable products. His gardening style is to maximize small spaces to ensure the …
- Growing the perfect tomatoes in our coastal weather
- The importance of good quality soil and how to create living soil
- What is NPK? and what roles do nutrients play in plant growth.
- How to maximize garden space by growing vertically
- GMO vs hybrid vs heirlooms and selective genetic breeding
- The benefits of raised garden beds
- Therapeutic benefits of gardening
NameTheresa F. Krause
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- Special Interest Plants
- Roses - all aspects from care to judging.
I joined The Fraser Pacific Rose Society (FPRS) in June 2002 after I attended their rose show at the Dogwood Pavilion in Coquitlam. At the time, I had 29 pitiful …
- Roses 101- basic information on the types of roses, yearly cycle of care, and pruning. What judges are looking for when judging roses, diseases and rose pests,
NameThomas Dean
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- Garden Insects, Bees, Butterflies, Garden Pests
- Special Interest Plants
- Earthwise Society
- Rain Gardens
- Earthwise Therapeutic Horticulture Community Program
- Planting for Pollinators
- Earthwise Gardening
NameWendy Leroux
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- Container Gardening, Small Space Gardening
- Special Interest Plants
- Bulbs - Fall - Summer
- Perennials
- Shade
- Bulbs - Fall
- Bulbs - Summer
- Unusual Bulbs
- Perennials
- Container Gardens
- Shade Plants
NameWinston Wong
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- Garden Insects, Bees, Butterflies, Garden Pests
- Wildflowers and other plants that cater particularly well to bees
Winston Wong, owner of BC Bee Supply, has been a beekeeper for 10 years, and has been running his supply store since 2017. As an advocate for pollinators and sustainable …
- Honey Bees, Mason Bees, Beekeeping Practices, Beekeeping Equipment