Three Trustees sit on the BCCGC Scholarship Fund for a period of three years each. The terms should be staggered so that there is continuity with one Trustee leaving each year and a new Trustee being elected at the AGM of the BCCGC.
All members work together as a team, as laid out in the Constitution of the B.C. Council of Garden Clubs (Part Two Scholarship Fund, dated October 19, 2002).
Members meet approximately eight times throughout the year, plus occasional presentation of awards and/or attendance at award ceremonies.
Is a member of the Executive of the BCCGC, attends BCCGC Executive Committee meetings and provides regular reports.
Provides a report to member clubs at BCCGC general meetings.
Is responsible for the administration of the Board of Trustees and the Fund.
Ensures orientation of new members, including providing them with a copy of the BCCGC Scholarship Fund Articles and Constitution.
Manages administrative expenses, including the preparation of an annual budget for approval.
All Trustees
Attend BCCGC general meetings held twice a year.
Determine which BC educational institutions are to receive scholarships and/or bursaries and stipulate criteria for recipients as per the Constitution.
Determine amount of scholarship and/or bursary per institution on an annual basis.
Liaise with the Various Institutions Selected to Receive Funds for Scholarships/Bursaries:
- Maintain contact with the relevant department responsible for donor relations.
- Notify educational institutions annually regarding the amount of funds allocated.
- Attend award ceremonies when possible, or delegate a member of a garden club, if possible.
- Issue and review year-end report forms to be completed by educational institutions for each
Liaise with Vancity Community Foundation (Fund Administrator):
- Instruct VCF to disburse funds annually to each institution and supply VCF with a separate letter for the student recipient.
- Provide VCF with relevant information required to disburse funds annually to individual institutions.
- Review semi-annual investment reports and statements of financial activity (SOFA) for BCCGC STF.
- Review regular donor reports; reconcile with donor spreadsheet maintained by STF committee.
- Submit any donations received to VCF, which then issues income tax receipts to donors.
Liaise with Donors to Scholarship Fund, and Potential Donors among the BCCGC Member Clubs:
- Promote the fund and encourage donations.
- Upon receipt of funds send thank you letters to donors.
Liaise with Student Recipients:
- Reach out to students via award ceremonies, email, letter or phone to establish connections.
- Obtain student permission to publish their information or letters on the website or in The
Bulletin. - Invite selected students to attend one of BCCGC twice yearly meetings.
- Monitor and keep updated the SF email account and SF section of website.
- Maintain contact lists for educational institutions and Vancity Community Foundation.
- Keep accurate records, paper and electronic, to pass on to future trustees.
Other Duties:
- Organize and coordinate vendor tables at the Council’s general meetings.
- Review periodically, and identify the need to update, the Fund articles and/or Constitution.
- Review periodically, and make recommendations regarding the ongoing suitability of the
fund administrator. - Where appropriate, liaise with garden clubs regarding representing SF to educational institutions in their area.
Revised: Oct 2019, July 2020